This program aims to produce physicians imbued with both competence and compassion. With an outcomes-based and Commission on Higher Education-mandated method of instruction, the course prides itself in adequately providing all the necessary tools for the would-be physician to engage in a patient-centered and family-focused approach to health care, both in the community and hospital settings.
Following the standard four-year post-graduate curriculum of both basic and clinical sciences and after one year of rotating internship, its students will have multi-potential to excel in various employment opportunities related to generalist practice, government service, specialty training, public health, academe and research, and health administration.
Having a superior roster of faculty which consists of recognized academicians and clinicians in their respective fields, unselfishly lending their expertise and experience, would definitely influence the young minds to gain knowledge and hone their skills. The CEU medical students are also exposed to higher levels of thinking and application in its base hospital, Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center, a tertiary government facility.